The Resurrection Story – a tapestry of threads

By Rev Stewart

“Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” (John 20:30-31)

I do not know about you, but when I read these verses at the end of John’s Gospel the first thing that comes to my mind is – “Wow, John, why didn’t you tell us about these other signs? What were they?!”. But then I take heart that there were so many other signs, and we can have confidence in all those stories that tell us about who Jesus is. As John also says, if everything Jesus did was written down there would not be enough books in the world to contain it. So we can look at the stories we do have and let them transform us to be closer followers of the Lord.

In our  churches over the weeks since Easter we have been looking at the stories in each Gospel concerning the appearances of Jesus after the Resurrection. Like a tapestry of different threads, they all come together to present a picture of something amazing, something life changing, something that changed the lives of Jesus’ disciples for good.

We too have been impacted by the story of the Resurrection. Our lives have been turned around by an encounter with Jesus. This is the Jesus who entered our world to show the Father’s love and glory,  who went to the Cross for love of us, and who rose again to show us that nothing can separate us from God’s loving care. We are all unique individuals, with our own stories of the ups and downs of life. We have our own unique call to a vocation in God’s purposes. How the story of Redemption and New Life effects us will therefore vary. 

Do take some time (especially needful in the busy weeks and months ahead) to reflect on this. Perhaps ask God to show which Resurrection appearance story can most speak to you today (perhaps the wonder of being known by name by the risen Jesus – like Mary Magdalene. Or being restored in Christ’s love after a barren period – like Peter). So take up your Bible! May the Lord inspire you thorough different stories of Jesus to know that he is the Son of God, and that by believing you might know, even this day, the wonders of his risen life in you.

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